Friday, May 21, 2010


Summer is calling! I can finally hear it, and its voice sounds oh so good. I just can't wait for those two and a half weeks of freedom....and then....

GSP!!! Gosh I am sooo excited about this! I can't wait to find out what college I am going to. Once there, it's going to be so fun living the life of a college student, only a lot more fun. All of the websites and information from their sponsors makes it seem like it will be a blast, and all of the seniors last year said that it was one of the most fun experiences of their lives. I only hope that I have nearly as much fun as they seemed to have had, and I'm pretty sure I will, haha.

After GSP, I'll have about ten days to rest before school starts back up again, and believe me, I'm going to need all of it after the energy I will have exhausted the previous five weeks. But why am I thinking about schoooooool, I have two weeks left!

Signing off on the last blog is going to be so emotional! Haha.


New Things

Getting new things is always fun. Getting new things that you have desired and waited for for a long time is even more fun. On this regard, my family has just gotten a new internet service that allows us to do many more things at home than our old, slow, satellite internet of before. We had the satellite internet for about two years, and for the first two months, we thought, wow, this is really fast compared to dial-up. But then, as we realized how quickly other technological things were advancing around us, we realized that satellite just wasn't going to cut it.

The new internet is freakin' amazing. It's so fast and gets us wherever we need to go on the web in a quick and efficient manner. Also, I can finally get on Xbox Live at my mom's. =) The weird thing is, we had originally signed up for an internet even faster than what we got, but once the men came out to install the equipment, we found out that we couldn't receive the highest tier where we lived because all of the trees obstructed the best results, so we ended up getting the middle-grade. Luckily, it still rocks!


End of the Year

Back to school...yay, I get to see everyone again....oh wait, school sucks otherwise. Can't wait until fall break....we still have another half of a year!....prom is still four months away.....and now there is only one week left of school. The journey was rough and tiresome, but junior year, looking in reflection, was a shorter ride than it seemed. I mean, honestly, it seems like I was going to Sadie Hawkins two weeks ago.

I wouldn't really care all that much about this fact excepthat I have only one more year of high school left before becoming an adult. These first twelve years of school really have gone by faster than I ever would have imagined as a yearning third grader. If I had the chance, I would do some things differently, would remember different things, but I wouldn't change the overall outcome for anything. My life thus far has been a blessing and a treasure to live, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The vagueness of this blog is getting to me...but I don't know what to reflect on...It's been a fun and learning experience the whole way (I guess is what I am trying to say).


Friday, April 30, 2010

Food and Sleep Deprivation

Going through life is tough. Believe me, I'm the stereotypical teenager who knows that everyone's lives revolve around me and that if anything is out of whack it's a dramatic tragedy. I've got one for you though - try going through life without food or sleep. My thoughts on the matter are that you would most likely perish rather quickly, and you wouldn't have much to whine about.

I'm not much on whining myself, but I sometimes deprive myself of both of these necessities for days. I don't blame anyone but myself, but during school or work when I can only think of sleeping (usually I don't think much about food), I get upset with myself for having stayed up to late and gotten up too early the night before. Reasons for my sleep deprivation include, but are not limited to excessive fun, talking to friends, homework, homework, talking to friends, homework, chatting it up with my friends, and homework. Reasons for not eating include falling asleep when I get home from lack of sleep and not eating's a vicious cycle, as evident.

I know I have a problem, and I should probably try to curb it...but as I sit here thinking about why I wait so long to post my blog drafts, I realize that these are contributing to this bad cycle. If I would simply post my drafts when I finish them instead of waiting until the end of the month, I wouldn't have to remember to post them all the time nor would I waste the time posting them all at the same time while I could be doing other things (SLEEPING!).



Prom is coming up this Saturday. Am I excited you ask? My response: might as well be, I just spent $200 dollars for one night, haha. Honestly, dances aren’t really my thing and up until last week, I didn’t think I was going. Then I decided to give in to peer pressure and go anyway. Because I waited so long, however, everything I had to do was rushed. Between work and school and other engagements, I had to find time to order a tux and shoes and flowers. But I got it done and I’m just ready to go to the Riverpark and enjoy myself now (hoping the 200 bucks will be worth it).

As far as having a fun time goes, I don't think I'll have any friends are pretty much the greatest at keeping me happy and upbeat, even in situations less than desirable. And it's gotta be exciting, right? I mean the prom committee has been planning this since January...hopefully they did a good job. And through writing this I have realized that this has become one of my major ramble posts...I didn't think it would happen!

For everyone, pray there is no bad weather! The wretched weatherman is forecasting it, but it's a night of elegance! We can't have rain and storms then!


KOM Training

KOM training was today. To say the least, I am glad I decided to become a freshman mentor. I had so much fun with all the activities we did today. First, hats off to Mr. Lee, he was pretty great at getting us motivated and ready to stuff. Second, I say thank you to Mrs. Conkwright for making this all happen.

Now on to the details!

First, Mr. Lee had all of the KOM's fill out bingo cards with other people's names who fit the criteria in each box. The objective was to get to know more people (and get 3 bingos) I ended up 88th out of a little over a hundred....I was quite ashamed of myself, but oh well haha. Then we played the game Mr. Lee called the "High School" game, where people must bunch up in groups of how ever many people Mr. Lee called out, and if you were left out of a group when he blew the whistle, you lost and had to stand away from the rest of the action. I did pretty well in that I suppose.

Then we had story time!

After story time, we began learning a really cool dance. This and the "High School" game were my favorite activities. The order of events blur in my memory from here, but there was a hand slapping game that involved the calling out and remembering of other people's names, and some paper work that wasn't as fun, but didn't really detract from the day in general. Overall, I had a great time, and I hope my freshman benefit because of my effort today at training. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION FOR MY FRESHMEN!


Spring Break Numero Dos

So this post is pretty much a summary of my spring break, which I blogged about earlier.

First I went to my dad's house, where I soon realized that I was going to be doing a little manual labor to start off my week of relaxation. Yes, dad finally bought the house in Indy and we started moving our furniture in the garage up there. I got to ride up in the big moving truck which was pretty cool.

I got to my new house and was was huge! Outside of my uncle's house (a doctor), this was the biggest house I had ever been in. It was really pretty too and I couldn't have asked for a better exterior. The foliage was perfect and it was right on a lake.

Anyway, once we finished moving all of the furniture from the truck to the house, I finally got to start relaxing. I pretty much had to veg out as we didn't have any food except for the snacks we packed for the ride up. Me and dad immediately hooked up the 55" downstairs and tapped into the analog channels (actually, we watched the NCAA men's basketball championship off of them).

I visited colleges, as I said earlier, and I was thoroughly convinced that Purdue sucked and that IU was my dream school!

Tornado warnings were out that Wednesday in our area. Fun night.

On Thursday, my dad and I headed for Lexington and stayed in a hotel there for my campus visit to UK the next day.

Then Friday, I came back to my real home and life was good....except that spring break was over. Oh well, satisfactory is the grade I would give it. Much was accomplished.
