Friday, December 18, 2009

It's Christmastime in the City!

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, in my opinion. Most everything is good with life – school is out, family is in, and snow is coming!

School has made for an interesting first half of the year. The classes aren’t much harder than last year but the transition was a lot easier than the one from freshman to sophomore year. There’ve been a lot of complications between my friends and it’ll be good to get away from all the drama. And quite frankly, I’m just getting tired of school, so a break couldn’t have come at a better time!

I get to see the family for Christmas! Yay! It really is great though because I only get to see my family outside of Owensboro about once a year, so when that time comes, I really cherish it. We’ll get to catch up on everything that’s happened over the year, seen how everyone has grown and changed, etc. I love the get-togethers at Christmastime for this very reason.

I can’t tell you how ready I am to see some snow, and more importantly, a white Christmas! Just waking up on Christmas morning, looking out the window to a blanket of snow, and then rushing into the front room to open presents under the tree like a little kid all over again, it’s just wonderful.

I know this blog was pretty generic, but oh well! I’m so happy its Christmastime!

Professional Sports Players

In my history class about a month ago, we were talking about professional athletics and getting paid the big bucks to play a game that takes almost no intellect to play. Mr. Fuller’s view on this was that it is very unfair that people can get paid so much money just because they play a game well. I disagreed.

I explained that though it may not take much brains to play a sport, it is the physical talents of the players of these sports that makes them worth their while. They are, in a way, entertainers. If people worldwide didn’t want to see them show off their talents, they would all be out of jobs. But because so many people watch and enjoy sports, they are in business.

Mr. Fuller later brought up the fact that most professional players only go to college to put them on a preparatory pedestal for pro sports. He said this was wrong. But I took it a totally different way. First of all, they must have the credentials necessary to get into that college to get into that college. Second, just in case their professional career (their talent) doesn’t work out, they have a backup plan in the college education they received.

I can see both sides but obviously, I think I’m right. =P


Finals are about the worst thing I think I have ever had to endure during my high school career. I mean, a whole week dedicated to making students remember every little thing they’ve learned in each class all year long? That’s crazy! I guess getting exemptions helps, but it’s still a rigorous week. Thankfully, finals went well for me this year.

My first final was orchestra. I went to the band room but it wasn’t open, so I went to the chorus room instead. When class started, we immediately put in a movie because Mrs. Elliot said that Mrs. Yonts would be late. Later we found out that Mrs. Yonts wasn’t coming at all because her baby was sick because she was teething. That was wonderful – one final down.

My second final was English. I got into the room, studied vocabulary for about ten minutes, then goofed off the rest of the time until time to take the final. I blew through the final and again goofed off the rest of the time. I got a 97%! Halfway there!

My third final was anatomy. I was thinking this one was going to be harder than it really was. I studied pretty much the entire review period and got the test and again blew through it. I got a 93%. Almost out of the woods!

My fourth final was math. This one was going to be my hardest, I was sure. I reviewed a bit and then just tried to relax. I was given the test and immediately thought it was going to be hard. I worked my way through it, and it actually wasn’t that bad. And I checked my grade later on Infinite Campus – 99% baby! I was elated!