Thursday, September 3, 2009

U.S. History

U.S. History has got to be one of the most derailed, unpredictable classes I have ever had the.....contentment.....of having. The teacher, Mark Fuller, is by far the greatest lecturer, but his lectures are the most bizarre, random things. He throws subtle, subjective jokes into every sentence he says, and it is quite nearly impossible to know what to make note of because he is always so frivolous and joking.

Granted, I love the man, he's pretty much beast. But his grading also seems to be different for all of his classes and he always awards 100 points for all asignments, regardless of how long or how difficult they were.

I guess what I am saying is, the man is great, maybe not the best teacher. I don't care though; he spices up an otherwise dreadful class. Hats off to you sir!



  1. Haha. I felt so bad for Alicia the other day when he was talking about Alice in Wonderland and the Boston Tea Party! His notes really don't make any sense though lol.
